Monday, September 21, 2015

porch roof extension

The rain was coming off of the roof and hitting exactly where the bulk head doors meet. To prevent this, Martin extended the porch roof to provide protection for the bulk head. This will also move water off of the roof further from the house foundation.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

shingle siding started

After much debate, trial, and tribulation, Martin and I have agreed to the pattern for the shingle siding. We got the siding started and ended up having to redo a bit, but we are on a roll now.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Insulation started

The first batch of insulation is in both Martin's workshop and the house.

Monday, September 14, 2015

mail box post

 We've got the Martin custom-made mailbox post in. Now we just need to buy a mailbox.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I spent a couple of days cleaning and sanding the wooden sashes of the windows before I polyed them. Not a very photogenic chore, but one that still needed to be done.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

 I've transplanted creeping thyme along the walkway between the pavers and the Belgian block. I've also added the Irish moss that my sister-in-law gave me to the hedgerow along with some solomon seal that I transplanted from home.
 The front yard is almost ready to start planting the flower bed. I have added coconut coir, peat moss, composted wood shavings and grass clippings, and two truck loads of horse manure.

 I'm keeping the front yard covered with tarps in hopes that I won't have to pull out too many weeds before the perennials get planted.