Week Eight

The rotten wood that was the step and seat of the outhouse have been removed along with that section of rotten flooring.  We are trying to dry it out a bit before hauling it away.

The wall of the barn that is attached to the kitchen addition of the house is rotten and barely standing.   As I was putting the wheelbarrow away, I bumped the wall and the entire wall swayed.  I thought I was a goner, considering that wall holds up the section of roof that was originally caving in (Martin has shored up the roof - see Week One).  I thought the wall was coming down and subsequently the roof and there I was a standing duck holding a wheelbarrow.
So Martin has pulled out the rotten wood from this section of wall and added good wood to support the shored up roof.  There are new 2x4s on either side of the door.

Martin also realized that the middle east and west walls of the house were bowed out by two inches. The four corners are fine, but the wall measurement at the base and the top are different in the centers of the walls. He is hoping that he will be able to slowly pull them back into alignment.  They are a quarter inch closer at the moment.

The stump of the large pine tree behind the house.
We are slowing digging around the stump and chopping out the roots as we go.  Well, I have to be honest, Martin and I are digging, but Martin is doing the chopping.  Each time we get to a decent sized root (and there are lots of them), out comes the "good" ax and root chips go flying.  Sadly thought, Martin's good ax handle split in on him and he will have to take time out to replace it. "Spare time job"

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