Week Four

All of the wallboard (I can't call it sheetrock because it was the precursor to sheetrock-more like pressed cardboard) has been removed. Martin is industriously taking down interior walls.  Nails are being pulled out of any wood that might be reusable, and the wood is being set aside for the rebuilding process. 

As you can see, there is a bit of dust in the air.

All of the interior ceilings are down.  Martin has started on the porch ceiling.

The barn is soo much emptier. Still more to go!

Pile in of wood in the kitchen.  We're going to sort through it and keep anything that can be used for rebuilding.

I bet you don't recognize these pictures.  The house is a little emptier than when we first saw it. Martin has removed all interior walls, ceilings, and the upstairs floor.

It's a shame we can't keep the ceiling like this, but the house is way too small to waste space on cathedral ceilings.

Just a bit of the wood discovered in a pile under the snow in the back yard. We're trying to dry it out before we get rid of it.  Lots more where it came from. We just need to have the rest of the snow disappear.



March 30, 2013
Spent Saturday cutting out the smallest trees, the briars, and taking down limbs from one of the big pines.  We'll head back tomorrow to take down some more and load up the last couch and scrap wood that needs to go.

Second trailer packed full (and believe me Martin can pack the trailer!) of branches and brush from the back yard. We have at least one more trailer full to go, if not two (or three?).

We decided that the bigger pieces - trunks - could be used for firewood. Here is the pile so far.

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