Shrub and Tree Removal, Prep for the Septic System

With fifteen years of standing empty and an elderly woman the former occupant, the yard at an tigin was extremely neglected.  The former occupants been typical Mainers in that they  used the back yard and adjoining woods as a place to put things rather than take them to the dump.  In recent years, the yard had been neglected. Briars had spread, scrub trees had grown up under the eaves of both the house and barn, and scrub trees and brush had been allowed to grow in the back yard. There were also two large red pine trees that were too close to the house or barn.

The septic system was designed and marked where it was going to go into the back yard.  Before all of the digging started, we needed to clear the yard of trees and brush.  Also the trees that were growing right up against the house and barn needed to go so we would have access to the foundation. For the most part it was just hard work, cutting and hauling brush.  However, cutting down the two large pines was definitely an adventure.  Thank goodness Martin is safety minded and tied trees off with ropes to prevent them from causing serious damage when they came down.  There were also a few surprises, like one of the trees being rotten in the middle so it came down sooner than expected.

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