Week Seven

Martin and I headed to upstate New York on Monday and returned on Wednesday.  I got to visit with my mom and steal some daylily roots from my sister (and some rhubarb roots from my mom).  Martin went to look at a job that my brother Bob wants him to help with.
That makes our work week at an tigin a very short one.
On Thursday, Martin took the towable backhoe to an tigin and got it all set up.  He then proceded to dig out as many roots and stumps as possible.

 On Friday we both headed to an tigin to keep working on root removal.  I got my first lesson in backhoe operation.

We need to move all of the topsoil so it will be out of the way for when we dig the hole for the septic tank.  We need to put the soil from the septic tank hole somewhere and want to be able to spread topsoil  over everything once the digging is done and the back yard is graded.  Since the towable backhoe is great for digging, but useless for moving soil any distance, Martin and I both spent a chunk of Friday shoveling topsoil into the wheelbarrow and dumping it out of the way.  Here is the beginning of our pile.  Martin assures me that it will eventually resemble a mountain.

We had one stubborn stump that Martin needed to get out.

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