Tuesday, October 20, 2015

shingling progress

Martin has been very busy putting up the shingles that I have been dipping.
 Both gable ends of the house are done.

Monday, October 5, 2015

bulkhead flashed

Martin pulled the bulkhead doors out and thoroughly flashed them. He had to have the front shingled before he could flash that shingle. He needed to have the rest of the bulkhead flashed before he could continue shingling.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

shingle siding on the house

I thought that my summer was going to be spent shingling the house. However, with the concrete slabs and the septic system being priorities over shingling, I didn't get started on dipping shingles until August. That postponed starting the actual shingling until after work started for me.
I'm scrambling trying to get shingles dipped on weekends to keep up with Martin's shingling during the week. He is making steady progress