Friday, February 24, 2017

vintage cook range

It all started when my brother, sister-in-law, and mother visited an tigin. I mentioned I wanted a vintage stove like my sister-in-law's. She knew someone who had one for sale.
When my family went home, my brother and sister-in-law got the stove and put it in my mother's garage. That Thanksgiving, Martin and I picked it up
We stored it in the living room in the house where we live. Then it found a new home, our bedroom. It sat for a few years, while other work went on at Cornish.

Finally with the kitchen nearly finished (tiled and cupboards in), it was time to refurbish it.
I spent a day scrubbing and sanding it.
Then part of another day sanding some more.

Then I had a day off from work due to a "noreast'r". Martin stayed home that day and the two of us spent the day sanding and sanding and sanding.

We finally got the stove to the point where we could start putting high heat paint on areas (not the oven or broiler).

We used beeswax and mineral oil on the sanded areas where we couldn't paint.

So after 2 plus days of both of us working on the stove and my initial day+ of cleaning and sanding,
the stove is ready to be tested.

It is painted, waxed, shiny and upright.
Next we move it to Cornish and hook it up to the propane to see if any parts need to be replaced.

I've found a couple of suppliers that have Oriole parts, if we need them.
I am looking forward to having it in place and using it.

Monday, February 13, 2017

boxing in above the kitchen cabinets

 The kitchen cabinets in our current house are open above. That makes them great for displaying some items, like vases, cast iron muffin tin, and baskets. However, I hate having to climb onto my countertop several times a year to haul all of the stuff down and scrub the greasy dust that covers them. Then I have to scrub the tops of the cabinets.

Martin kindly agreed that it would be best to frame in and sheetrock above the cabinets at an tigin. 
They will be nice and neat compared to what I am dealing with now.