Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It is not an azalea, mystery bush

Since my niece chewed my ears off and I am only left with bloody holes in the side of my head, I decided to try to take some more pictures of the mystery bush.  It has leafed out more since the first few pictures I took. 
As she pointed out to me, it can't be an azalea because the leaves are serrated and azalea leaves aren't.

I also wanted to point out that there is a pine tree growing up in the middle of this mystery bush.  The bush doesn't have a main trunk and branches, but a cluster of smaller "trunks".


  1. Hi Nancy, It's cousin Evelyn (Bacon) Hopp. Wow what a neat project. I will watch your progress :)

  2. Thank Evelyn. Most of the time it is fun, even when the work is going slowly. Sometimes Martin has me on a job that isn't so much fun, like putting plastic on the barn roof.

  3. I hear ya. We built our home, actually Jerry did most of the work. I was around to do the "grunt" work. I don't do height at all. I am in admiration of you for getting on the roof.

    1. I am not so fond of heights either! If I had more skills, I would be doing less grunt work. Oh well, it all needs to be done. As Martin says, "Hold the stupid end of the tape measure."

    2. I am not so fond of heights either. If I had more skills, I would be doing less grunt work. Oh well, it all needs to get done. As Martin says, "Hold the stupid end of the tape measure."

  4. LOL Seems I have heard that a time or 2 How is the project going?

    1. Things are going well. We are hoping to turn in plans for approval soon.
