Sunday, August 4, 2013

when it rains it pours

One of the reasons we bought an tigin, besides falling in love with the tired little house and Cornish, is because Martin hasn't had steady work for a couple of years. Before that, the work he did get was an hour and a half commute from New Gloucester, which isn't ideal.

As soon as we purchased an tigin, the calls started coming in.  Martin is scheduled to do a specialty stair job for his brother.  He needs to finish up a couple of jobs that winter interrupted.  On top of that he has recently rebuilt a spring house for friends of ours. Then my brother needed to have rotten sills replaced.  He also had a deck job scheduled for this summer. Today, Martin received a call from a contractor who he has worked for in the past about a job.

If things keep going this way, Martin will be able to earn money to invest in materials for an tigin, but the whole project will take longer.  That's okay though, as Martin says, "It's a spare time job."

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