Monday, September 16, 2013

Martin is back

Sorry, no pictures with this one. Martin is back from Ireland. We visited an tigin yesterday.  Martin mowed, the sunflowers are looking great, and the barn roof is leaking on the side that we didn't put triflex on.

Martin was at an tigin today, working on digging out where the extension is.  He found what looks like the pipe to the old well and has traced the water line out to the driveway. He is in charge of bringing the camera to the house tomorrow and taking pictures, since I am back at work and, as much as people think teachers don't work hard, I am putting in 12 hour days (plus a two hour round trip commute). That doesn't leave much time for me to get to an tigin.

Tomorrow my sister-in-law and niece are coming for a few days to visit.  We are looking forward to this, but prep for visitors also takes time and energy, leaving less of both for an tigin.

Stay tuned, pictures and more to come.

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