Tuesday, March 4, 2014

First anniversary

It has been a year since we purchased an tigin.  If feels like we have hardly accomplished anything!
Thankfully having a picture trail to follow, we can look back and see the difference between then and now.

 When we searched the internet to find houses for sale, this is the picture (above) that was posted.  When we drove by, this is what it really looked like (below). We closed on March 4th and headed there as soon as we could.

As you can see there are several differences between then (above) and now (below). I needed snow shoes to take the side and back pictures of now.

 Front and west

 Front and east, the green tarp is covering the bulk head opening.
 East and back. The back wall is built, but not in place yet so the back east corner is sticking up into no where.
 The back (north side)

 The barn. We haven't done much to the barn other than clean it out and prevent water from coming in the roof. It is low on the list of priorities - okay maybe it is last on the list.

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