Wednesday, May 28, 2014

the mystery bush year 2

The mystery bush is much happier this year. There was a pine tree growing in the middle of the bush. We removed the pine last fall and this spring the bush is doing much better. However, we still have no idea what it is. A close picture of the flower is above and a close picture of the leaves are below.

 The above photo is a picture of the same bush in the neighbor's yard.
 These two pictures are of the mystery bush that is in the hedgerow between our property and the neighbor's.

Monday, May 26, 2014

feels like I'm in a western

 The second story is slowly being added. Martin started with the front wall of the second story. It made an tigin look like a building with a false front from an old western town.

 The front porch is mostly done, with the roof included. We need to put a railing on the end of it and regrade/landscape the front yard.
 Martin built a section of the east wall. Then he and I installed it.  This was not a fun job! That section of east wall is above the stairs, so we needed to move the wall into place over the open stairwell.

 Then we got a section of the second story west wall installed. This was a much easier job than the east wall. The wall is stepped because the roof pitch comes down at a steep enough angle so that the very front of the second floor is slightly shorter than the rest of it.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

beginnings of the second floor

The stairs to no where now go to the second floor.
Martin has raised the original rafters and replaced most of the roof with temporary rafters and sheathing.

The south wall for the second story is built and just waiting for a good day to be installed.  Once it is installed, Martin can take measurements for the rest of the second story walls and start building them.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

we've got a front porch

While waiting for less windy and less rainy weather, Martin occupied himself by building the front porch.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Roof adjusted to accommodate finishing the second story joists and subfloor

Martin needed to cut the hip and common rafters to be able to put the last few joists in.  Most of the original roof is still there, but now it is supported by the floor of the second story of an tigin.

The subflooring for the second floor is completely installed now too.

The above picture shows the original hip rafter that was in the way of progress and needed to be shortened and resupported.