Saturday, November 29, 2014

Water and electric

After Martin dug a five foot deep trench from the main waterline to the basement, the Cornish Water District installed a valve and hooked us up.

 Martin ran piping from the water main to the house.

 Then he covered the waterline with 2 inches of hard insulation.

 In the picture below, you can see where the water line comes in through the basement retaining wall.
 Then Martin was able to contact a local electrician who stopped by to let him know what needed to be done to get the electricity run from the pole to the house (underground).
 This trench only needed to be 30 inches deep.

 We are all set and just waiting for the electrician to come back with materials.

Monday, November 24, 2014

barn foundation is back filled

As you can see, there are three courses of cement blocks on top of the concrete pads that we poured.
 Martin needed to back fill inside of the foundation to have the ground nearly level to the top of the cement blocks. We will be pouring a slab once it is backfilled and the weather is warm enough

The picture below has the barn foundation back filled. It took a couple of days with a backhoe and a lot of back-breaking work to spread the sand, level it, tamp and roll it so it is well packed.

Above is the sandpile before the barn foundation was backfilled.
Below is what is left.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

mud room

Martin has the foundation of the mud room backfilled with sand and poured a slab on it. The floor is framed in. Walls, roof, and flooring are next.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

a cute little find

Our neighbor with the backhoe came over for a couple of days and moved sand from the huge dune in the backyard to fill the foundation of the barn. He also removed a few small stumps along one barn wall and moved top soil from the driveway.  In the process he dug up this little perfume bottle. We were amazed that it survived being dug up an d dumped by a back hoe, but here it is.

I haven't taken time to see if I can figure out how old it is or what type of perfume it held.  If you get a chance to search and find something, send me a comment.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

home stretch

Finally the end is in sight. We just have this little stretch of side yard left to put top soil on and the regrading is done.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

cement slab poured for the mud room

Martin spent a lot of time and effort to back fill the mud room foundation with sand from our giant sand dune. Then I got to be a mason tender. We set up the cement mixer and made several batches of concrete. Martin hauled buckets of concrete, dumped them into the mud room foundation and then smoothed them out.