Friday, February 27, 2015

hand-me-down snowblower - Thank you Michael

Martin's brother replaced his snow blower and we were the lucky recipients of the old one. It has come in handy since we have gotten close to 6 foot of snow so far this winter.

 Martin used the snow blower to clear a path around the house in order to access windows. We are hoping that the temperatures will moderate a bit (we have had lows below 0 and highs in the teens) to allow him to install the windows.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The siding on the back of the barn is started

Martin installed to of the refurbished (rescued from the house) windows in the back of the barn. He then was able to start putting the board and batten on.

We are running low on boards for the barn siding. Martin has enough boards to finish the east side of the barn. Once we have less snow, he will be able to get more lumber in to finish the back and the interior of the mud room.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Front of barn, above mud room is sided

After Martin got the flashing made and installed, he was able to finish the siding on the front above the mud room roof.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Martin sure does know how to show a girl a good time

The wall in the right hand side of the picture is the east barn wall. We have two windows that will go in and enough boards to side it. As you can see, there is a bit of snow in the way.
Martin decided that we should shovel the snow out of the way to allow him to put in the windows and siding.

Of course before we could shovel out what was there, we had to roof rake the barn roof. There was at least 3 foot of snow on the roof and one section, in the valley where the barn roof meets the house roof, there was at least 4 foot of snow. 
Martin and I took turns roof raking until all of the snow was down and we were standing on a snowbank that reached the eaves of the barn.
Then we shoveled a 3 foot wide section the length of the barn wall.
 Martin added the sheet of plywood in hopes of keeping the tunnel clear until he has the siding installed.
We got more snow last night. More snow expected tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Martin-made flashing

To prep for the roof to go on and the transition between the barn and the mudroom, Martin needed to put in some flashing.
He was lucky enough to find rolls of flashing on sale. He bending the flashing to fit the area where he needs it. 
Now he can finish siding this section of the barn.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The west side of the barn is sided

We have had a bit of snow (3+ feet with more on the way). To be able to install the board and batten on the west side of the barn, Martin had to first dig out a work area. 
In spite of the extra work, that side is done and he is moving on. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Let it snow

Winter has finally hit. We were having very cold weather, but very little snow. Since the last week of January that has changed. We had a blizzard that dumped 2+ feet of snow in Cornish. Then another storm that dumped about 8 inches. Then another storm that left about a foot. We have another foot that is supposed to be arriving imminently.
That means that Martin isn't able to get to Cornish to work on those snowy days. When he does get there, he has to shovel out the driveway and dig out areas around the barn and house so he has space to work. Of course all of that is after he has dug us out of our house. Don't forget there is all of the snow on the roofs that needs to come off and then be shoveled out of the way at both houses.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Front of barn is sided

The siding on the front of the barn is done. Once the barn doors were installed, Martin began working on the siding. The house will have cedar shingles. The mudroom and barn will be sided with board and batten. 
Martin cuts the boards and battens, then brings them home where we stain them. Then Martin brings them back to Cornish and installs them.
It is a slow process, but since we are working in the winter we don't have any choice.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

roof ladder

The metal roofing has arrived. If the weather cooperates and Martin can get the roof free of snow, ice, and moisture, he will put the roof on. For safety purposes he built a roof ladder. It is currently in two pieces, but will be joined to make a single ladder.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Overhang for the barn doors

Martin decided that it would be good to have an overhang above the barn doors. He built the overhang so you could open the doors without getting drowned, if the weather is bad.