Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Let it snow

Winter has finally hit. We were having very cold weather, but very little snow. Since the last week of January that has changed. We had a blizzard that dumped 2+ feet of snow in Cornish. Then another storm that dumped about 8 inches. Then another storm that left about a foot. We have another foot that is supposed to be arriving imminently.
That means that Martin isn't able to get to Cornish to work on those snowy days. When he does get there, he has to shovel out the driveway and dig out areas around the barn and house so he has space to work. Of course all of that is after he has dug us out of our house. Don't forget there is all of the snow on the roofs that needs to come off and then be shoveled out of the way at both houses.

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