Friday, May 15, 2015

A bit more hedgerow added

An tigin's soil isn't soil. It is sand. 100% sand. 
To grow much of anything, we will need to amend the soil. We have started hauling in manure and have a compost bin working.
 But at the same time, I realized that I could take advantage of the sand, especially where the hedgerow is going to be near the road. The plants will be exposed to sand and salt from the road being treated in the winter.
 I remembered a time, while visiting a friend in Maryland, that we went to the beach and he showed me some native beach plums. I did a bit of research and beach plums are also native in Maine (along the coast).  So I bought 3 beach plums (they have the yellow tags).

 Then friends of mine dug up some of their rosa rugosa (sea roses, are you seeing a theme here?) and transplanted them to my hedgerow. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Stairs to the basement

When Martin framed out the opening for the basement stairs, he didn't know exactly the level of the finished basement floor.
Since then, he has figured out where the stairs need to end and realized that the stairs wouldn't meet code.

 That meant he needed to make the stairwell opening into the basement bigger. To do that he had to cut out a header and resupport the floor.
 As you can see, in spite of the headache of moving the header and enlarging the stairwell opening, Martin has finished the stairs to the basement. 
He will need to take them out temporarily when we pour the floor.