Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow.

 The garden at an tigin is doing very well. I've had bouquets of flowers from it and harvested herbs too. It is looking healthy. I find a surprise once in a while; like the white bleeding heart that came with one of the perennials from my flower beds. The white bleeding heart disappeared out of my flower garden at home over a year ago. All of a sudden I found it blossoming quite happily at an tigin. Guess it needed a change of scenery.

 We added some plants to the hedgerow between our house and the neighbor to the west.

 I've been looking for heather that is hardy enough to survive our Maine winters. I finally found some. This is winter chocolate heather. Which I planted near the holly, since I have twin nieces Heather and Holly. Thought they would like to be together.

I added elderberry and hawthorn (aka thorn apple) to the hedgerow to the east.
Plus one of my original rhododendrons wasn't doing well where I put it. I have moved it and replaced it with a larger rhododendron. I will keep my eye on it. If needed, I can move this one too.

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