Saturday, September 2, 2017

closet doors are in

We've gotten the closet doors finished and installed. It has allowed us to start unpacking and putting things away, finally! They do make the rooms seem smaller though.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

temporary window seat

Since the window trim was installed, Martin was determined to put one of our couches in the window seat. He is supposed to be building bench seating in the window seat.

rain water collection

We have two rain water collectors set up. We use the water for the flower beds and vegetable garden. Saves on using household water. Besides rainwater is better for the plants.

Friday, August 4, 2017

vegetable garden

My vegetable garden is looking pretty sad this year. We amended the soil (composted manure, peat moss, wood ashes, etc.) but it obviously wasn't enough. My carrots are doing well (they do love sandy soil), my onions didn't do anything, I think I might have 4 or 5 beets, the green beans are doing well, the peppers and tomatoes are hanging in there, the winter squash are pitiful (I will be lucky if I get any winter squash).
Next year will be better!.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

windows are trimmed

We used the original subflooring (wide pine boards) to make the window trim. The boards were filthy, so Martin had to remove nails, plane and sand them. Then he planed them again, cut them to size, and sanded them. I had the pleasure of putting the finish on them. Martin installed all of the window trim in one day! YEAH! Curtains next.

Sunday, July 30, 2017


Martin has built shelving for the closet in the master bedroom. The ones in the back wall slide in and out and give us access to the kneewall storage space behind the closet. The pole is ready to be installed.
The only thing left is to hang the closet doors. They have been hanging out in the basement for a couple of years now. It will be good to have them in place finally.
The guest bedroom closet is all set except for the doors. We are temporarily using it until the master bedroom is done and we move into it.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

clothes line

 I love the smell of newly washed clothes that have air dried on an outside clothesline. I use my dryer as little as possible. But, I have to admit, I am short. To get a clothesline that is high enough to hang the clothes without them dragging on the ground, Martin put up a post.
 Then he attached the other end of the clothesline to the barn. As you can see. I need a ladder to hang the clothes. I must look ridiculous climbing the ladder with the clothes basket. I use the top of the swing set as a place to set the clothes basket while I hang up the clothes.

 Not sure what we are going to do in the winter. I usually hang clothes out and then bring them in to finish drying by the wood stove. Looks like I will have to rethink that one.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

cast iron rack

 We decided that the best place for the cast iron was hanging above the stove. I had some old hooks forged by a local blacksmith that I used in the old house. Martin needed to reshape them slightly so they would work to hold the cast iron. Then we needed to figure out spacing and support. Since we didn't want to screw the hooks straight into the drywall, Martin repurposed some Brazilian cherry to make a section of wood to hold the cast iron and to protect the wall from bangs. (He knows me too well, because I am usually rushing to get dinner and wouldn't be extra careful taking down or hanging up cast iron frying pans and griddles.) The end result is this lovely cast iron rack.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

the garden is looking pretty good

 Early this spring

The asparagus is in and the rhubarb that we transplanted last fall is looking healthy.

The beginnings of a vegetable garden. (above)

Monday, May 22, 2017

stairs and floors

After a bit of frustration, Martin got the stairs wrapped. We were short bullnosing and couldn't find any to match what was already installed. Martin had the dubious pleasure of making his own bullnosing to finish the job.

 The landing at the top of the stairs is done.
 The flooring in the guest bedroom is done.
 The flooring in the master bedroom is well on the way. Just the closet left to do.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Stair rail started

Martin has the newel posts and the rail in. Once the flooring is on the stairs, he will get the spindles installed.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

smoke detectors are in

I could have taken pictures of all of them, but they all look alike. We are wired and set for smoke detectors.

Friday, May 5, 2017

We have a mailbox

 To my surprise, Martin agreed to having a yellow mailbox. We had extra yellow paint left over and I thought it would be easier to give directions.

Monday, May 1, 2017