Friday, December 20, 2013

more snow than pictures

Well, I haven't been posting much lately, and I do apologize.  We had a foot of snow on Sunday 12/15, which meant a day to stay home and not work on an tigin.  Then Monday, Martin spent the day shoveling.  The driveway is shoveled and a path around the house to allow work to continue is shoveled. Tuesday we started in the negative degrees Fahrenheit. (Sanford, ME registered -15 degrees F.)  Martin worked a short day at an tigin roof raking the snow off of the roof and then moving the resulting new piles of snow on the ground out of the way.  It snowed again Tuesday night, which meant that Martin dealt with more snow removal before being able to get to work on construction.

To make matters more interesting, we have another storm headed our way.  We are expected to get freezing rain starting tonight and continuing off and on (with some rain, sleet, and a bit of snow mixed in) for the next 3 days.  It has been predicted that we could get up to a half inch of ice.

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