Monday, February 24, 2014

small bits of progress

Martin and I have done a couple of small jobs at an tigin, but without before and after pictures, you wouldn't be able to see the difference. Unfortunately we don't have any pictures.

The south (front) wall was out of plumb. Martin pulled it back to it is now plumb. Also the header for the bay window was 3/4 of an inch out of alignment. That also has been corrected.

Just a couple of days ago, Martin and I spent a chunk of time roof raking the barn. Then shoveling the snow that came off of the east roof of the barn out of the path that is behind the house. We need to keep the north side of the house accessible so we can put up the north wall.

After roof raking and shoveling, Martin wanted to fix the roof protection over the bay window. We pulled off tarps and house wrap. Martin then removed rotten roof boards and replaced it with pieces of plywood. He re-built the plywood and support over the bay window. Then we had the pleasure of refastening the house wrap on the roof and putting on a new tarp where the house wrap didn't cover.  It was a windy day and it seemed like I was going to fly away with the tarp while I was trying to hold it down.  Martin worked miracles and got it fastened and secure without loosing the tarp or me.

Pictures soon, I hope.

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