Thursday, June 18, 2015

apologies for lack of posts

Thanks for hanging in there. Hopefully I will be back to regularly posting progress at an tigin. The past couple of months have been challenging. Martin spent a week at my mom's helping to start the renovation to have all of her living needs on one floor.

Then we took a break, had company, and went dancing (contra and Irish set).

Unfortunately Martin's mother had some serious health issues and he headed back to Ireland to help his parents. He ended up staying a month.

To top things off my computer crashed, so even though I had pictures to post and updates to add, I was struggling with the lack of easy access. Not to mention the school year just ended and the wind down seemed more like a wind up; long hours and long days.

But we are back in the swing of things and hoping to make some good progress this summer, so check us out a little more frequently and hopefully you won't be too disappointed.

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