Sunday, June 21, 2015

The hedgerow continues to grow

I really wanted to put a few more evergreens between our house and the neighbor's. Also my blue princess holly that I planted last fall blossomed profusely this spring, but is not producing berries. No blue prince holly to aid in the process.
I found a nursery in Wales, ME that had a blue prince holly. I talked Martin into going with me to pick it out.
I couldn't leave without also getting the Mountain Laurel "Keepsake" (below).
 Below is the very handsome Blue Prince Holly. I'm looking forward to having holly berries next year. Keep your fingers crossed for me. The Mountain Laurel and Hollies are rated for a zone slightly warmer than I think an tigin is located in.

 The friends that provided the rosa rugosa also offered us a white lilac (above). When we went to their house we got a good sized lilac to add to the hedgerow and 6 others we weren't expecting (below). I've put the smaller ones in a double row near the rhododendrons. They aren't directly under the pine at the back of the property, but are slightly shaded by the neighbor's oak tree. I'm hoping that they will do okay..
To the right of the white lilac is a Dark American Arborvitae. It can grow quite tall, but if we prune it we should be able to keep it to a reasonable height.

The other surprise that our friends shared with us were several Clethera. They are looking very sad at the moment, but I have faith they will survive. Because we weren't expecting them, the soil in the area where I could put them wasn't up to snuff. I heeled them in overnight. Martin and I got a load of manure and the next morning I double dug the area working manure in. I used rooting powder to help them out and have watered them well from our rain barely daily since they were put in. 
We were also out of mulch, so Martin picked up another couple of yards and all of the new plants are well mulched. (The cardboard is to help keep weeds down and is currently hidden under a layer of mulch.)

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