Thursday, May 2, 2013

Any Guesses?

A while ago, Martin discovered a bunch (around 40) bricks in the barn.  They are about the size of a firebrick, but exceptionally light and very crumbly.  We took them to family and friends trying to figure out what they were.  No one seemed to know. One guess was a pumice stone for cleaning large cast iron griddles.  That could have made sense if there was only one, but since we had nearly 4 dozen....
We debated what to do with them.  They were too soft to build with. We didn't want to just throw them away; we had already discarded so much and it just felt too wasteful.
Finally I decided to do a web search to see if I could figure out what they were.
And sure enough, I did. 
They are pottery kiln fire bricks.
I approached the art teachers in the high school where I work and asked if they might have a use for them.  The art teachers were thrilled.  Not only can they possibly use them in the kiln, but they can definitely use them for teaching carving.
We were so excited that we could donate them to the school. A happy ending for all involved.

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