Saturday, August 9, 2014

basement retaining wall, west side

I spent a couple of days digging sand so Martin would have access to the correct floor level to be able to pour a footer for the retaining wall we need to put in.
Because the ground is sand, we couldn't jack up the house and dig the foundation to the full basement depth. We need to step back, build a retaining wall, and then pour a slab.
 After I dug down to the right depth and dug out the length of half of the retaining wall, Martin decided that he needed more room to work in the basement.  He spent a couple of days hauling sand out of the basement in buckets.
 He got the footer poured. Then I had the pleasure of being a mason tender again. Half of the west side retaining wall is in. 

 It looks like I'll be digging in the basement again, so footers can be poured for the rest of the wall.
In the mean time, Martin has put hard insulation behind the finished retaining wall. Eventually we will back fill to bring the sand up to the bottom of the foundation. For now though, this corner needs to be fairly open because our water pipe and electrical lines are coming in here.

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