Sunday, August 17, 2014

regrading, a long process

There is reasonably decent topsoil where the driveway is going to go. (As decent as topsoil at an tigin can get) The topsoil is in short supply in other areas. One of my jobs, when I'm not mixing mortar, or concrete, or shoveling sand, or..... is to move topsoil.
I dig it out, load it into a wheelbarrow, and move it to its final destination.

 Before the new topsoil gets dumped, the area topsoil and subsoil are dug out and moved.  Then buckets of sand (hauled from the basement) are dumped into the resulting hole until the grade is much higher than it started out. 
 Martin gets to tamp and roll the sand. Next I get to shovel the subsoil back on top of the sand. After it is tamped and rolled, the new and original topsoil get spread on it.
As you can see, the entire side yard needs to be higher.  It looks like my summer and fall are going to be filled with wheelbarrows of topsoil, subsoil, and sand.

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