Thursday, August 14, 2014

half pint mason tender

Martin got a cement mixer. After spending some time refurbishing it so it works better.
Then I had the pleasure of being the one to use it.
A mason tender is supposed to do the prep work so the mason can just keep on working. Unfortunately, I am so small that I can't lift the 94 pound bag of Portland cement or the buckets of gravel and sand that need to go into the cement mixer. Martin had to prep the materials for me (half buckets and a way to measure the Portland cement) so that I could actually use the cement mixer.

Once the concrete was made, Martin dumped it into a tub, shoveled it into buckets, and hauled it into the basement to pour the footers.

 At some point, we (meaning Martin) will be hauling the cement mixer into the basement so we can use it to mix concrete for the slab. Lots to do before we get that far.

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