Sunday, July 27, 2014

stump updated

We started to work on removing the last large stump on the property.
Martin volunteered me to dig out the sod from around the stump. He figured the job would keep me busy while he worked on taking up the floor in the barn.

The plan is to dig out about a 5 foot radius from the stump and then to dig down 2 and 1/2 feet removing soil, sand, and roots as we went.
I started the preliminary digging. When I hit a root to large for me to deal with, Martin would come and use an ax to remove it.
 The first big root! Lots more to come.

 The soil at an tigin is very poor. Most of it is just pure sand, but there is a small layer of sandy topsoil that we are hoping to use when we regrade. The freshly added soil to this pile has come from the area around the stump.
 The sand that has been newly added to this pile has come from digging out the stump.
Down to the last root to cut. 

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