Saturday, April 13, 2013

I love snow

Normally, I love snow. Currently the only reason I can think of, for loving snow, is that it (or the temperature that comes with snow) is keeping the black flies at bay.  I know both are temporary.

If you have never experienced a black fly (that's a joke because black flies never arrive individually), then I'm not sure how to express how awful they can be.  I'm hoping for a light black fly year.  Black flies in the northeast and New England are tiny.  They are a biting insect and fly in swarms. They are attracted to heat or carbon dioxide or something.  Black flies love me and don't notice that Martin is alive much less just a few feet away from me.  I think black flies have contests to see how many can fly up my nose, into my eyes, and in my ears. They also seem to be impervious to bug spray.  The other irritating habit they have is they will land on the collar of your shirt and then crawl just inside your shirt to bite you.  They are determined little buggers!

However, the snow this year is slowing down progress at an tigin.  It is difficult to rake when the leaves and pine needles are under snow. It is difficult to pick up trash that is hidden by the snow. It is also frustrating to cut brush and limbs while the snow on them is melting and dripping on you. I've been alternating using a couple pairs of gloves because they soak through so quickly.

The saving grace is that spring snow doesn't last long.

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