Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Near disaster

Now you see it.

 Now you don't

The pine tree between our house and the neighbor's needed to be taken down. We need access to the back yard to put in the septic system and unfortunately this baby needed to go.  Martin limbed as many lower branches as he could possible remove last Saturday, March 30, 2013.  Today, he put a rope on it to a tree in the back of the property and started to cut it down.  What he didn't know was that the middle quarter of the tree was rotten and hollow.  He had sawn what he thought was part way through the tree.  Thinking he had a solid 6 or 8 inch diameter in the center that had not been cut through, he tried to get the tree to head toward the backyard.  However with the lack of a center of the tree, it decided to head into the neighbor's backyard instead. Thank goodness it missed his house. The picnic table didn't fair quite so well.
Martin's foresight in having the tree roped to another tree in the backyard prevented it from causing total disaster!

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