Tuesday, October 8, 2013

footers for the foundation

Today dawned bright and sunny. We were so worried with the recent storm that the rain would undermine the temporary supports or that the winds would jar the house enough to make it come off of its precarious perch.  It was with relief that we found an tigin intact today.

Martin started pouring footers to build the concrete block foundation on. He started at the end of last week (October 4th) and has been plugging away at it.  Today he built the frames for the footer that will be on the side where the kitchen addition was. It's funny but it is exactly where we are going to put our kitchen too.

He'll mix and fill the frames with concrete tomorrow.
 Martin and I filled the frame under the west side of the house on Saturday, October 5th.

 Martin started with footers where the bulk head door to the basement is going to go.  The actual bulk head door will be at the front of the house. (I have permission to hide it with beautiful flowers.)  The stairs will run under the bay window down into the full section of the basement.

We also have the footer for the east wall of the house poured. No pictures yet, but they will be posted soon. 
Next Martin will start laying block to build the foundation walls. Then the neighbor with the backhoe will come back to finish digging the full basement that is going where the kitchen addition used to be.  The digging and concrete work need to be done before winter arrives. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

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